KONO! ROTWILD No2, redscale, 35mm color negative photo film, 36 exp.

KONO! ROTWILD No2, redscale, 35mm color negative photo film, 36 exp.
Back In Red! The No. 2 of the legendary Redscale film “KONO! ROTWILD”
KONO Rotwild No2, ISO 100-400, redscale film, 36 exp. - C-41
Any lab can develope KONO! films.
For reasons of sustainability, we use used and cleaned cartridges in the production of these films.
Photographers: Rainer Strzolka, Zoë
Models: Grace Drinkwater, Sonia Tiger, Braziliansushiii
Impressive book series by Rainer Strzolka -> find out more
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